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The Important Role of Hospice Social Workers


Hospice is a special type of care that includes a set of interdisciplinary services that aim to manage pain and illness at the end-of-life stage. In addition to doctors and nurses, a hospice care team includes social workers to provide counseling and support. Social workers play a key role in assisting terminally-ill patients and their loved ones during difficult times.

Likewise, we at Love and Care Hospice will discuss what hospice social workers can do for terminally-ill patients and their families:

  • Offer counseling and support

    One of the goals of hospice care in Van Nuys, California, is to provide comprehensive support to terminally-ill individuals who are nearing the end of life. Hence, social workers provide counseling services to clients and their families. This includes defining the patient’s personal goals for hospice and working through the stages of grief.

  • Provide patient education

    Social workers may also provide additional resources and information about hospice care. This educates clients and families regarding coping strategies and care options to manage pain and other symptoms. This also includes referring programs or community resources that can assist with the patient’s needs, such as spiritual services.

  • Deliver assistance with paperwork

    Hospice social workers help ensure that the patient’s end-of-life wishes are met. They help review and document these wishes by assisting with advanced directives and similar paperwork. They can also help clients navigate their medical benefits and provide advice on financial or legal matters.

Love and Care Hospice Service, Inc. strives to provide exceptional and comprehensive hospice services in California. Hence, we offer social worker/spiritual services to advocate for your overall health. Reach out to us to inquire about our services.

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