Love and Care Hospice Service, Inc.

Need Asssitance? Call Now! 818-849-6399

Email: info@loveandcarehospice.com

We Are Open 24 Hrs

WHAT WE DOFind the Care You Deserve

In your trying moments, we are here to help you through our services. Learn more about them below.

social worker talking to senior man and taking notes of health progress

Social Worker/ Spiritual Services

We can provide emotional and spiritual support.

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A small boat parked under a mangrove tree at the sunset

Bereavement Services

We aim to help you cope with your loved one’s loss.

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Care worker with elderly woman in geriatric hospice

Supportive Services

We provide palliative care for patients with terminal illnesses.

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Old woman with senior social work assistant

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Welcome to Love and Care Hospice Service, Inc.

Hospice Services in Van Nuys, California

We understand how difficult it can be for most people to face the end of life. However, we believe that with the proper care and support system, we can help alleviate and lessen our hospice patients’ difficulties. We feel for them, and we understand where they are coming from, which is why we strive hard to provide them with only what’s best. Our team providing Hospice Care in Van Nuys, California is sensible and passionate about taking care of others, especially patients with terminal illnesses.

We are located in Van Nuys, California. If you have a loved one who needs our hospice care services, please do not be afraid to reach out.

We Are CommittedOur Mission Statement

We are driven with passion and commitment to serve patients with terminal illnesses who prefer to be taken care of in the place where they feel most comfortable. Their utmost convenience and comfort are what matter to us, which is why we render our hospice care services while maintaining a sense of dignity, respect, privacy, and compassion.

About Us
doctor holding old man arm in nursing home

Insurance Accepted

We accept major plans for your convenience.

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Nurse from care home and senior man in wheelchair walking outdoors

Submit Your Referrals

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Caregiver Adjusting Pillow For Senior

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Allow us to care for you or your loved ones.

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Your thoughts matter to us. Send them to us now.

an old woman kissing her daughter